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         EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD. (Company) realizes the importance of balancing environmental, social, and governance considerations in our business practices. The Company believes that responsible and sustainable operations are the key to long-term success and positive impacts. This Supplier Code of Conduct thus serves as the guidance framework to ensure that our suppliers perform in line with our commitment to ethical conduct, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility. Their compliance also supports the Company’s collective contribution to a more equitable, resilient, and environmentally conscious society in response to the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Guiding Principles and Human Rights and Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at work. Aside, the Company gives priority to work with suppliers that embrace the Supplier Code of Conduct principles and continuously improve their operations. With this shared commitment, the Company will succeed in achieving a harmonious balance between profitability, social well-being, and environmental preservation.


         Supplier means sellers of goods, contractors and/or services to Evergreen Container Terminal (Thailand) Co., Ltd.


         This Supplier Code of Conduct is applicable to all suppliers who provide goods and services to EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD. This includes direct suppliers as well as subcontractors and business partners involved with our supply chain. The Company’s suppliers are expected to pass on these requirements to their own suppliers, to ensure a consistent commitment to this Supplier Code of Conduct throughout the entire supply chain.

Enforcement of the Supplier Code of Conduct

         Compliance with this Code of Conduct is of utmost importance to the Company and it forms a major part of the considerations of trade conditions and contractual agreements for suppliers. The Supplier Code of Conduct will be reviewed on an annual basis or in light of significant events, to ensure its alignment with current business conditions.

The General Affairs Department and other departments responsible and involved with the selection and signing of contracts for the Company, subsidiaries, and controlled entities are accountable for the enforcement of this Supplier Code of Conduct with their suppliers. They shall monitor suppliers’ compliance and prepare compliance reports for the President every 2 years.

Communicating the Supplier Code of Conduct

         The General Affairs Department and other departments responsible and involved with the selection and contract signing for the Company, subsidiaries and controlled entities are held accountable for communicating the Supplier Code of Conduct to their suppliers. All suppliers shall receive a copy of the Supplier Code of Conduct and acknowledge it through a signed agreement. In case of any change to the Supplier Code of Conduct, relevant departments shall inform all suppliers of such change. In addition, Additionally, it is important to organize supplier training to ensure their awareness and understanding in the Supplier Code of Conduct’s content and intention, which will lead them to correct actions aligned with the Company’s expectations.

1. Business Ethics

         1.1. Business Integrity

                Supplier must conduct their business by complying with the laws, related rules and regulations. Supplier must also conduct business with honesty, transparency, ethics and accountability; and shall not participate in any fraudulent act or corruption.

         1.2. Fairness

                Supplier must treat all stakeholders responsibly and fairly, and provide equal opportunities in an ethical manner and not engage in anti-completeness practices.

         1.3. Confidentiality

                Supplier shall not disclose, publish, reproduce, or refer any confidential information of EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD or stakeholders without their prior written consent. Confidential information includes business-sensitive information and any confidential information related to EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD.

         1.4. Disclosure of Information

                Supplier shall disclose full and accurate owned information through evidence or supporting documents as required by law.

         1.5. Protection of Intellectual Property

                Supplier must conduct business in compliance with laws and regulations related to intellectual property, respect the intellectual property rights of others, and must not allow violation of such rights.

         1.6. Avoiding Conflict of Interest

                EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD upholds morality and ethics in business. Therefore, supplier is expected to avoid all conflicts of interest in their business deal. This includes providing benefits to an intimate person from their position and must not take any action that creates a conflict of interest or there is a conflict of interest between the supplier and its personnel of EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD.

2. Labor Practice and Human Rights

         2.1. Compliance with Labor Laws

                Supplier shall comply with labor law and regulations and adhere to the internationally recognized principles related to human rights such as the International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNUDHR), etc. However, Supplier must fully comply with the labor law related to the minimum working age, pregnant women, disabilities, and foreign employees.

          2.2. Non-Discrimination and harassment

                 Supplier shall treat employees equally with respect and dignity. Supplier must not discriminate based on race, color, national origin (ancestry), nationality, religion, gender, age, education, citizenship, sexual orientation, disability, or any other matter required by laws of the country in which the supplier operates. Such Non-discrimination applies to the entire contract of employment.

                 Supplier commit to ensure an environment free of harassment or abuse of authority. The supplier will not tolerate any physical, sexual and non-sexual harassment or any other form of violence and abuse against its employees.

          2.3. Non-Forced Labour

                 Supplier must avoid any forced labor. This includes corporal punishment, threat, coercion, harassment, human trafficking or any form of violence.

          2.4. Child labor

                 Supplier will not tolerate the use of child labor according to international standards and domestic law, where the supplier’s operations are located. The supplier will not employ any person under the age of 15, and any person under the age of 18 for hazardous work that is harmful to the health and safety of a person.

          2.5. Wages, Benefits and Working Hours

                 Supplier must set the standard of employment and termination of employment in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

                Supplier must maintain work hours in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to working hours and overtime. Working hours for supplier’s employees will not exceed the maximum set by laws and all overtime must be voluntary. Furthermore, supplier shall offer vacation, holiday, and leave periods not less than those stipulated by laws.

Supplier shall provide appropriate compensation according to employee competency level and fairly pay wages, overtime pay, holiday pay including other benefits. Supplier shall pay accurate wages, not less than the minimum wage rate set by law, in a timely manner.

          2.6. Freedom of Association and collective bargaining

                 Suppliers are committed to ensure that their employees have the right to collective bargaining and the right to freely form and participate in worker committees of their own choice to represent and safeguard their interests. 

3. Occupational Health and Safety

           3.1. Compliance with Relevant Occupational Health and Safety and Working Environment Regulations

                Supplier must comply with relevant laws and regulations on occupational health, safety and the working environment. Suppliers shall perform preventive and corrective action resulting from incidents related to safety, health, security, and working environment and carry out programs to improve continuously.

           3.2. Safety & Working Environment

                  Supplier shall provide their employees with a safe, hygienic working environment as well as operational facilities such as first aid device provision. Supplier shall reduce and control accident risks, and health effects that may occur during work operations. This includes the implementation of emergency plans and responsiveness procedures to minimize direct and indirect impacts from such emergency situations.

           3.3. Personal Protective Equipment

                  Supplier must provide employees with sufficient, appropriate and ready-to-use personal protective equipment in accordance with the applicable safety standards and manufacturer’s instructions to ensure safety to all relevant parties during work operation. Supplier shall conduct regular audits and monitoring of personal protective equipment in the operating area during operations at all times.

4. Environment

         4.1. Environmental Management

                Supplier must conduct their business in an environmentally responsible manner and comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and international environmental standards.

                Supplier must have policy or guidance for resources conservation, operational efficiently throughout the supply chain, such as production processes, storage and delivery of products or services to EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD.  in accordance with relevant environmental standards.

               Supplier shall conduct their business with environmental awareness, and pollution prevention by promoting the use of nontoxic or less toxic substances, encouraging personnel and putting effort into controlling the use of environmental resources effectively.

          4.2. Eco-Friendly

                 EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD. places high expectations towards supplier in utilizing eco-friendly products and services, and aware of the potential negative environmental impacts in their operational area to avoid potential impacts on biodiversity, deforestation and support land conservation.

                 Supplier must support environmental matters by using resources efficiently as well as collaborating with EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD. to promote environmentally sustainable development, such as energy consumption, efficiency improvement or greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

                 Supplier are expected to select their suppliers of goods and services and subcontractors that are environmentally responsible throughout the supply chain. Supplier must notify the relevant companies in EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD in case of any hazardous substances are used, any chemicals that affect the environment in production or services. Supplier must implement waste management in compliance with relevant laws without affecting the community and society.

5. Social Development Participation

         Supplier is expected to strive to conduct business with social responsibility. This includes respect local culture; supporting campaigns to improve the quality of life and well-being of the community and society; source products and services from local partners; promote high standards of raw materials and local products in order to stimulate the local economy. This

6. Channels for Complaints, Whistleblowing

         Suppliers can submit the inquiry, report or complain to acts that violate this Supplier Code of Conduct or any suspected violations or fail to comply with the rules, regulations, ethics or corporate governance policies of the EVERGREEN CONTAINER TERMINAL (THAILAND) LTD. You can report or send the complaint with the evidences to the following channels.

  • Post office : Audting Department

                               21 ICD Rd., Klongsampravet, Latkrabang Bangkok 10520

  • Email :
  • Telephone : 0-2737-9888

7. Termination of Partner Status

         Suppliers who violate this Supplier Code of Conduct will be eliminated from the Approved Vendor List of the Procurement System.